Explorer crashes windows online forensics
Explorer crashes windows online forensics

explorer crashes windows online forensics

Table 4-2: File System Compatibilityįile systems are created by formatting a specific partition on a hard disk. Table 4-2 provides an overview of the file system compatibility of different Windows versions. Future versions of Windows might use WinFS, a database-driven file system currently under development and slated for release after the Vista version of Windows. Both file systems have characteristics that make them valuable for an examiner, and this section examines both the strengths and weaknesses of the file systems and how they are used. Later versions of Windows, starting with NT 3.1, were built on the enhanced file system, NTFS. The original Windows files system was based on the FAT 16 file system. Microsoft Windows comprises two main file systems of interest to the forensic examiner: FAT and NTFS.

Explorer crashes windows online forensics